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Trade Policy & Negotiations

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Trade Policy & Negotiation Skills Explained Clearly by Dmitry Grozoubinski

A man standing infront of a television giving a speech

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The Benefits

Why Work With ExplainTrade

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Enhance Your Effectiveness

Dynamic Negotiation Skill-Building.

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Customized Strategies

Tailored Consulting Solutions.

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Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

Real-World Trade Policy Insights.

ExplainTrade, Trade Policy and Negotiations Made Clear

ExplainTrade is dedicated to simplifying the complexities of international trade and trade policy. We have taught thousands of government officials, corporate officers and civil society activists how to better engage with trade policy, negotiate for their interests.Our courses are bespoke and built around your needs and that of your organization. We specialize in short engagements of just a few hours, rapidly upskilling large teams with accessible, insightful and mission relevant content.

A man standing and giving a speech with flags in the background.
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The Book

Why Politicians
Lie About Trade

A book with the title "why politicians lie about trade".

Is an accessible guide to how international trade really works, giving voters a peek behind the curtain and the tools to question those in power.

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Looking to build your organization's skills in trade or negotiations? Request a consultation call with Dmitry today.