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Latest Resources & Insights

Explore ExplainTrade's expert resources on clear communication, negotiation strategies, and trade insights. Gain valuable knowledge to enhance your skills today.

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Common Questions

What if I'm dissatisfied with your training?

In over five years of training delivery we have never had a dissatisfied client, and we will make every effort to maintain that streak. With that said, all ExplainTrade invoices are issued only after a training has been delivered and we will not charge clients who believe the course did not meet their expectations.

Can training sessions be recorded?

Our general policy is that sessions are not recorded except with prior-agreement, which is generally given exclusively on the understanding it will be used for current colleagues who are absent or unable to attend a session. If you are interested in collaborating to design a more permanent e-learning or video learning package for your staff now and into the future, we would be happy to assist.

Do you work with other trainers?

Yes, ExplainTrade often partners with others who brings specialized expertise and alternative perspectives. Our training courses can fit into a larger package you're putting together, and we can assist in finding specific experts on topics of interest where you would like a deep-dive.

How much do training courses typically cost?

Prices are agreed on a per-course basis, based on the duration, location and format of the content to be delivered. They range from under a thousand USD for a short and general online lecture or public speaking appearance to several thousand for longer, bespoke courses delivered in-person. Regardless, costs are a fraction of what you would pay to send even a single colleague to a comparable academic institution.

How many staff can be trained at once?

Class sizes can vary, from in-person deep-dive workshops for three specialists to hybrid or online presentations for hundreds of staff across the world.Generally, a class size of 40 or fewer is optimal to ensure interactivity and adequate time for questions.

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The Book

Why Politicians
Lie About Trade

A book with the title "why politicians lie about trade".

Is an accessible guide to how international trade really works, giving voters a peek behind the curtain and the tools to question those in power.

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Looking to build your organization's skills in trade or negotiations? Request a consultation call with Dmitry today.